Stomach rubbing exercise

When the body becomes excessively overweight, the whole body is burdened.
For every inch you gain in girth, the body grows approximately four miles of blood vessels to nourish the extra tissues. Blood which would normally be sent to the head or the brain remain in the abdominal cavity, aiding the digestive organs with their increased workload. The heart must work harder due to the increased of fatty tissue. Because of this undue strain, the heart gradually becomes critically weakened and more likely to collapse … this exercise is the simplest and most natural method of weight loss.

1. Begin by lying down flat in your back. Relax.
2. Put the palm of your hand on your navel. (If you are right-handed, use your
right hand: if you are left-handed, use your left) Then start to rub clockwise
from the centre – that is, from the right to the left- first in small circles and
then gradually expand the movement until the upper and lower limits of the
stomach and abdomen are being rubbed (see figure a.)
3. When you have completed the first movement, then reverse it, rubbing
counterclockwise (figure b.) in smaller and smaller circles until you are
back to the centre of the navel. You need not press down with any force.
Apply a slight pressure as you rub slowly.
4. Repeat this clockwise and counterclockwise motion as many times as you

NOTE: A brisker version of the Stomach exercise also exists. You may begin the exercise by rubbing the palms of the hands together vigorously and placing the hands, palms down, on the lower abdomen so that they lie on either side of the navel. Now begin to rub both sides of the abdomen briskly, following the pattern depicted in the figure below. Rub so that both hands meet near the navel on the downswing. Keep on rubbing until the friction heats up the abdominal tissue. You may repeat this exercise as many times as you wish. This version brings more stimulation and energy to the abdomen than the regular version, so it can be used for debilitating diseases of the internal organs and peristaltic problems. It is especially good for trimming down the girth.

Extract from “The complete system of self-healing, Internal exercises”
By Dr Stephen T. Chang